
Some atheists celebrate holidays and other ocassions where gifts might be appropriate. Have you ever been in the situation of looking for a gift for that atheist on your list? You can always get them something that has nothing to do with atheism. But what if you want to express your support for who they are with a gift that has something to do with atheism, humanism, skepticism, or secularism? I have some suggestions below
This may go without saying, but I’ll say it anyway: Atheists are just like everyone else except we do not believe in gods. If you are a religious person, you don’t believe in most of the gods that have been worshiped throughout the course of history either. You should be able to relate to atheists. We differ from you in that we place your god(s) in the same category as all those gods in which you don’t believe. I say this to highlight the fact that most atheists are going to be interested in things that have nothing to do with atheism. Thus, the atheists on your list will appreciate many of the same gifts as the religious believers.
That said, there is something cool about an atheist-related gift to show your support for an atheist. I pulled together some suggestions in case you’d like to give that sort of gift.
Many atheists value the pursuit of knowledge, and a book focused on atheism, humanism, skepticism, or secularism is a great way to give them something they’d like while demonstrating your tolerance. Back in 2008, I compiled a list of books I recommended for people new to atheism, including those curious about it or who had not been atheists for very long. I followed that up in 2009 with recommendations for more experienced atheists. Most remain relevant today. Check out Amazon.com’s list of bestsellers in atheism too, but be aware that their list includes some titles written by Christian extremists who are hostile to atheism.
If you are looking for more book ideas, here are some titles to consider:
Clothing, Magnets, Stickers, etc
It is more difficult to pick out atheist-oriented clothing for someone else. The sort of message one might like to communicate is often rather personal. For clothing, magnets, stickers, and other items with an atheist, humanist, skeptical, or secular message, consider a gift certificate from EvolveFish.com. They carry a wide selection of t-shirts, hats, car emblems, magnets, bumper stickers, etc. I’ve ordered a few things from them over the years and have always been happy with what I received. They also have quite a bit of politically oriented stuff.
Posters and Wall Art
A great but often overlooked sort of gift involves something to put on one’s wall. There are many places to find inexpensive posters, prints, and other wall art (e.g., Cafe Press, Zazzle, Imagekind). I’ve often thought that a good rational quote in a nice frame makes a great gift. It is the sort of thing from which one can draw inspiration every time one looks at it. Come to think of it, I may have to see if I can find a good Carl Sagan or Bertrand Russell quote to stick in a frame for myself.
Gift Memberships
Given that secularism is now under assault in the United States, secular activism may be on the minds of many. A gift membership to an organization like Americans United for Separation of Church and State, the Freedom From Religion Foundation, American Atheists, or the American Humanist Association is another solid option. For the atheist student on your list, also consider the Secular Student Alliance. These organizations help to inform their members about what is going on and advocate for secular causes.
This post contains Amazon.com affiliate links, and I receive small commissions for purchases made through these links. This is one of the ways readers can support Atheist Revolution.
An early version of this post appeared on Atheist Revolution in 2014. It was revised and updated in 2022.