Here are a few I want to try out this year:

1. Cinnamon wrapped around candles. This would be a good gift for neighbors or family or friends.
It would be cheap and easy to buy cinnamon sticks and vanilla scented candles and ribbon. I’d hot glue the cinnamon to the candle to ensure that it stays together.
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2. Candy Sleighs: This might be my gift to Trevor’s classmates. It’d be cheap and easy to make 14 of them.
This requires candy and hot glue. Cheap and Easy. Glue a Kit Kat to two candy canes to form the base. Use any other candies to fill up the sleigh, but 10 mini hersey’s candy bars fit perfectly into a pyramid on the sleigh. Neatly tie with a ribbon. Done.
3. Coffee Cups: This would be a good teacher gift.
Buy a coffee mug, inside include either a hot cocoa packet, individual coffee mix, $5 Starbucks gift card, candy cane. Customize with a cute Christmas-y label. Done.
4. Candy Bottles: This would be a good gift for the little ones in my life. I have three cousins under 7 years old who would love this. And you could even just give 1 bottle per person and use as a stocking stuffer.
5. Holiday Dough: This would be a great stocking stuffer for Trevor.
Roll up some $1 bills and create the label. Easy Peasy.
6. Hand Santa-tizer: Coworker gift. Easy. No one likes germs around the office. Goes with the season and is practical.
Just buy the bottles of hand sanitizer (purse size is the perfect size as it’s easily portable) and create some custom paper wraps.
7. Coasters: Family or Neighbor or Friend gift. Even works for a teacher.
Simply buy some plain white tiles at a hardware store, and either draw with sharpies, use a Silhouette to cut a pattern, or paint a design. You can also try to modge podge pictures onto them. (Ask if you want more detailed instructions, as I’ve done most of these methods before).
8. Hot Cocoa Snowmen: Neighbors, Friends, Teachers.
These are baby food jars. The bottom of one is glued to the lid of the next. The top is filled with marshmallows, middle with the hot cocoa mix, and the bottom with peppermints. Then Make a hat and scarf (felt would work for these). Use a sharpie to draw the face and buttons on the jars.
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Who’s on your gift list this year? Do you have any creative gift ideas for teachers, neighbors and coworkers? What about for kid’s classmates?